DJU recycle all excavated spoil into backfill material which follows a strict grading and recycling process in our depot in Sussex. Currently this material is used on our own gas replacement contracts but can also be supplied to other clients should the need arise.  
Our recycling operation is carried out under an environment agency standard rules number 10 permit which permits us to deal with the waste(spoil) and transform it into a reusable recycled material, our material is mixed with a stabilising agent “SMR” which ensures it can then be used in any backfilling situation including works in the public highway which in turn makes the reinstating of excavations environmental friendly rather than having to use primary aggregate excavated from a quarry. 


Using SMR Batch-Mix ensures that there is no need for landfill resulting in a cost effective option. 
SMR Batch Mix will also reduce a company’s 
carbon footprint as waste tipping and 
reinstatement material collection is from 
a single location, removing unnecessary 
lorry movements to stand alone landfills and quarries. 
Customers can achieve high recovery rates 
as the SMR Batch Mix solution recovers 
<96% of the spoil, transforming it into high 
quality products that outperform traditional 
materials such as Type1 GSB. 
Traditional recycling facilities typically recover just 40% to 60% of the incoming waste with the balance ending up at landfill. This means landfill costs have to be added to the price of traditional recycled products. 


SMR (recycled spoil) is introduced to the excavation in layers that once compacted complies with SROH 4th Edition for layer thickness and compaction passes. Often depth gauges and pictures record correct application. 
Layers are continued up through the excavation until the appropriate void is remaining within the excavation for reinstatement material. Clegg values should be taken and logged if requested by the contract prior to application of the reinstatement surface materials.